This article is designed to help people understand what anxiety is, and also for the people who are searching how to overcome anxiety completely, as I believe it is possible to overcome it completely without any form of medication.
Feeling anxious is a normal physiological response of a person, especially if facing something new or something very important that could have a great impact on their life.
However when the anxiety affects the person’s behaviour and interferes with the ability to function properly, it then becomes a problem.
Anxiety is a psychological state that is manifested with feelings of concern, worry, or fear.
Feeling anxious is a normal physiological response of a person, especially if facing something new or something very important that could have a great impact on their life.
However when the anxiety affects the person’s behaviour and interferes with the ability to function properly, it then becomes a problem.
Anxiety is a psychological state that is manifested with feelings of concern, worry, or fear.
This state affects behaviour, emotional state, and the mental state of a person. It will influence the person’s personality, and the way they behave emotionally or socially. It will also change the way they see life, can greatly disturb their routines and the way they interact with other people, either family or friends.
In simple terms, anxiety is used to describe a state when a person’s reactions exceed that of what is considered normal or appropriate to the situation.
Anxiety Disorders
There are many different classifications of anxiety. Here are a few anxiety disorders:
- Panic Attacks – Panic attacks are characterised by a sudden feeling of extreme fear that leads to difficulty in breathing, confusion, dizziness, palpitations, and chills.
- OCD – Obsessive compulsive disorder is characterised by repetitive cycles or rituals. These rituals are performed to relieve feelings of fear that have led them to obsess on certain issues.
- PTSD – Post traumatic stress disorder is a form of anxiety caused by traumatic events that happened in the past and now has a deep effect on the person.
- Phobias – Phobia is defined as an intense yet irrational fear about a specific place, item or situation. This fear is avoided at all costs to avoid having panic attacks. For example, some people may have a fear of heights, spiders or fear of driving or flying.
- GAD – Generalised anxiety disorder is a general fear or concern about many things in life that occur daily. There are often no valid reasons for these concerns, but the anxiety often cannot be controlled.
- Social Anxiety – Social anxiety disorder is the fear of being embarrassed or ridiculed by other people in social situations. This type of fear will cause the person to keep away from other people and avoid everyday situations that include others.
So as you can see anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry.
Mild anxiety is usually unsettling, but when it gets to severe anxiety it can be extremely debilitating, having a serious impact on your daily life. |
Anxiety only really becomes a problem when symptoms start to interfere with a person’s ability to sleep or otherwise function.
Now of course there are many prescribed anxiety medications available to treat anxiety disorders, BUT I am dead against all of them, as they cause some really nasty and potentially life-threatening side effects.
Everything from slurred speech, confusion, disorientation, depression, impaired thinking and judgment, memory loss, sexual dysfunction, lack of coordination, nausea, low blood pressure, decreased sex drive, decreased IQ, slow reflexes and total lack of energy.
Some anxiety meds ask may cause aggressive behaviours and even some really unsettling hallucinations.
Anti-anxiety drugs like benzodiazepines totally slow down the normal processing of the brain. This will result in sleepiness, uncoordinated movements and often give a foggy feeling.
It’s not only aboutthe side effects, these types of medication can cause physiological and psychological dependence. This is when your body and mind actually start to depend on the drug to cope with anxiety, so it becomes even harder to cure anxiety naturally.
Some prescribed medication may also cause what’s known as “paradoxical effects,” where in some cases the person may experience a worsening of symptoms rather than an improvement. In some, this may be more anxiety. In others, this can even be severe suicidal thoughts or even action.
There is absolutely no need for medication to cure anxiety.
Now opinions will vary and I am not telling you to come off any medication if your GP has insisted that you are on it, I am just telling you my opinion on the matter and the fact that I have cured thousands of people without the need for any medication.
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